Calculate Square Numbers
This article shows a trick how everyone can calculate square numbers easily in your head. You don't need a calculator!
Example: 232 = 529
The rule: Find the nearest tenner for 23, which is 20
Now calculate: ((23-3) * (23+3)) + 32 =
20 * 26 + 9 =
520 + 9 =
Example: 462 = 2116
The rule: Find the nearest tenner for 46, which is 50
Now calculate: ((46+4) * (46-4)) - 42 =
Now calculate: ((46+4) * (46-4)) + 42 =
50 * 42 + 16 =
100 * 42 / 2 + 16 =
2100 + 16 =
General Rule for x
The rule: Find the next tenner for x, which is x+a or x-a
Now calculate: ((x+a) * (x-a)) + a2
Proof: ((x+a) * (x-a)) + a2 =
(x2 + x*a - a*x - a2) + a2 =
x2 - a2 + a2 =